The funny thing about local casual sex with sites like CasualLocalSex is that on its face, it seems like a slam dunk. I mean, after all, you go to a website that advertises to women that are ready, willing and eager to have local casual sex with any guy.
They’re not very discriminating. They couldn’t care less what you look like. They don’t give a damn how much money you have in the bank. They don’t care about any of that. They just want a thick hard dick. That’s all they want.
They just want a deep dicking. They want a guy that can make them orgasm over and over and over again. Fair enough. But the problem is, seeing that stuff on paper or or seeing that stuff discussed in theory may seem good. In fact, it may be deceptively good because you might be laboring under a false sense of comfort in the sense that it may seem all too real and all too easy. This is where a lot of guys screw up.
Let’s make one thing clear here. There are many things in life that look awesome on paper. In theory, everything looks good, everything checks out, everything lines up, but when you actually act on it, things fall apart. Because people talk a big game when it comes to theory, but when it comes time to actually put things into motion, certain rules apply.
This is why you have to play the game right. You have to succeed with local casual sex the same way you would succeed in any other areas of life. What’s the secret to success? You already know this. It’s all about belief.
You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in your capacity to make things happen in your life. In other words, a little bit of self confidence can go a long way.
Now, this is probably the kind of answer you’ve been running away from. You probably were looking for some sort of magic bullet or magic pill solution. You might be thinking that there’s some sort of magical mantra or some product that you only need to subscribe to, buy or take or otherwise unpack and ingest, and things would magically change in your life. I’m sorry, but that product has yet to be invented. If you want to get anywhere in life, you need to find that inner wellspring of confidence.